Working from home not working?

With working from home now necessary for many jobs and industries, post-pandemic 🦠 households are continuing to revaluate the space they need from their homes.

49% of home buyers feel their property is unsuitable 👎🏼 for working from home and 28% have no 🙅🏽‍♀️ dedicated workspace or office to work from home (Barratt/Lichfields).

35% of home buyers and sellers rated an office/space to work from home as 'very important' in the 2021 Property Academy Homemoving Trends survey analysed by Dataloft.

Housebuilders are trying to service this change in demand. However, planning policy dictating the mix (bedrooms) was based on pre-pandemic demand modelling. 

At VCC Homes, the majority of our rooms to rent have desk space for working from home with high-speed internet throughout.

Source: Dataloft, 2021 Property Academy Home Moving Trends Survey, Barratt Homes/Lichfields

Oli Collins